Maudsley and Bethlem Hospital School 1

Vision, Ethos & Values

Our Mission

We offer a supportive, nurturing and kind learning environment dedicated to academic, emotional, and social development.

Employing a student-centred learning approach, we celebrate differences, offer ambitious learning pathways and promote  resilience.

Beyond academic success; our goal is holistic development, equipping each student with life skills to be who they want to be.

We promote inclusivity, equality and value diverse backgrounds and experiences.

During this difficult time in their lives, we prioritise our students’ safety above all else.

Our hospital setting can pose unique challenges, and we seek solutions through research, and collaborative innovation.

Maudsley and Bethlem Hospital School educates wider society, is steadfast in dismantling stereotypes and advocating for a world where mental health is embraced.

In summary, we aim to provide the best education possible for children and young people in hospital.

Our values

The statements below describe how we choose to work together, the team culture we value, and how we look to get things done.

Ambitious. We are ambitious for our students’ learning. We plan to be a turning point in their lives.

Collaborative. Our success depends on collaboration and our ability to work as a team.

Steadfast. We confront calmly the stigma and prejudice that still surrounds mental health. We can change attitudes in society, through our work.

Kind. We are kind and compassionate even when we need to have difficult conversations.

Maudsley and Bethlem Hospital School Logo

To our students…

We are ambitious for your learning. We plan to be a turning point in your lives.

We go the extra mile to help you re-engage with learning, never giving up.

We celebrate diversity and accept unconditionally your right to make choices.

We are a gentle, orderly school where you are always respected and valued.

We are kind and compassionate even when we need to have difficult conversations.

We listen closely to you. Your safety and wellbeing are paramount. We have zero-tolerance of harassment and unlawful discrimination in all forms.  Through our education we will help you prepare for a successful future in modern Britain.

To our colleagues…

Our success depends on collaboration. We can only support young people if we support each other.

We give each other time. How well we communicate with each other affects our students’ learning.

The empathy and generosity we extend to our students we extend to each other too.

We rely openly on each other – giving and accepting support freely.

We accept each other’s strengths and weaknesses. We are comfortable seeking support if we need it.

We set ourselves the highest professional standards and want to be held to account for our decisions.

To our partners…

Alongside you, we are supporting young people on a journey to wellbeing. Our part is education.

We appreciate your professionalism.

Your skills complement ours.

To the wider world…

We work to change attitudes to mental health.

We share our expertise, knowledge and insight.

We confront calmly the stigma and prejudice that still surrounds mental health. We can change attitudes in society, through our work.

We resist becoming inward-looking. We look around us, learn, and take our place in the fast-changing world of education.

Maudsley and Bethlem Hospital School Logo

And finally…

To work this way takes courage. Compassion and kindness are not easy options.

We have the courage to admit when things do not go well. We learn from our students how to do better each time.

Latest News & Posts
27 Mar 2025
Great to be invited to speak at The Worshipful Company of Educators about inclusion & hospital education.
25 Mar 2025
Another visit with staff and governors to the mighty Pears Maudsley Centre for Young People. Soon to be our new home at the Maudsley site.
3 Mar 2025
Clever and intricate work from one of our students who made this carousel from a kit then designed and added extra features using the laser cutter - combining & augmenting standard design with personalised features. !
27 Feb 2025
Rainy but delightful visit with some of our staff to the new building, the Pears Maudsley Centre. Great to see staff so excited about all the opportunities it will present for our students 😁
24 Feb 2025
First signs of Spring at the Bethlem site and a rare glimpse of sun! Will be great to start enjoying the grounds with the students again on a more regular basis.
13 Feb 2025
Congratulations to our wonderful Chair, Mickey Kelly, for his recognition at the Southwark Governance Awards 2025 !
13 Feb 2025
The books are read, the votes are in! had our students voting for best STEM books for under-14s. Look at what they chose. Thank you .org for this stimulating project.
4 Feb 2025
Dia the percussionist brought his djembe drums back for fantastic sessions with our students, who quickly learned a challenging 4-part drum arrangement & improvised during joyous jam sessions. Dia shared fascinating insights into West African culture, traditions and society through his stories.
- 20 Jan 2025
“We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.” - Dr. Martin Luther King
10 Jan 2025
Here we go - the bold leap from X into our new home on BlueSky! Big welcome to existing and new followers as you hopefully start to join us here. Below are some images of the new Pears Maudsley Centre for Young People - our Maudsley site school will be based in there soon!