Guidance for Schools

Maudsley and Bethlem Hospital School is an accredited exam centre and is able to facilitate exams with all major exam boards.


Services we can offer to schools:

  • Transfer candidate requests – if your student is being treated in one of our attached hospitals during the exam season, we    can support with transferring their candidacy to our ‘host centre’. This can even be done on the day of the exam itself.
  • Special consideration – we facilitate specialist consultant / psychologist letters to provide evidence for special consideration.
  • Access Arrangements – we will provide any pre-agreed access arrangement for your student during their exams.We can also provide evidence to support new / additional access arrangements for example; rest breaks, 25% extra time, private room.
  • Alternative assessment / enhanced grade / Statement of recognition requests – we can facilitate specialist consultant /      psychologist letters to provide evidence of disability to cover the period of exams for pupils who have:
  • Completed the requisite period of study but have become so unwell during the exam period that no access arrangements    would enable the student to sit the exam and demonstrate their attainment of knowledge (Alternative Assessment)
  • Have completed at least 30% of their exams but have been too unwell to complete all exams (Enhanced Grading)
  • Were too unwell to complete all of the requisite period of study, and were unable to sit their exams as a result of a significant period of illness (Statement of Recognition).

Our Exams Officer and SLT are highly experienced at liaising with Awarding Bodies and JCQ and we have an excellent track record of facilitating examinations and outcomes for some of the most disadvantaged students.

To see how we can support your student during the exam period please contact our Exams officer on: 020 8777 1897